‘Amazing Spider Man 2’ [SPOILERS] The Vulture To Be Introduced? Viral Marketing Website Offers Clues

The sequel 'Amazing Spider Man 2' already has two identified villains. However, new characters will be introduced. Sony has made a viral marketing website and it has given some clues.

The viral marketing site has the format of a faux "Daily Bugle" website. That website released this faux news report:

"Despite the assault on Oscorp Tower two weeks ago and the revelation that disgruntled Oscorp employee, Dr. Curt Connors, was responsible for the attack, Oscorp's stock has climbed four points.

Oscorp spokesman Douglas Menken provided some details from the meeting, including that the construction on the prototype alternative energy power plant, complete with hydroelectric tower, is on schedule for completion within the next year.

Other highlights included a preview of a flight harness for the military and significant advancements in robotics by the head of the engineering division, Spencer Smythe."

The references to a 'flying harness' seem to refer to the Vulture. Vulture is a classic villain for Spider Man and a member of the Sinister Six. Thus, the speculation seems to gather some steam.

The references were deduced by ScreenRant: "The 'prototype alternative energy power plant, complete with hydroelectric tower' could be talking about the villain Hydro-Man. Hydro-Man gained the power to turn into and manipulate water after he was accidentally knocked from a cargo ship by Spider-Man into the ocean during the test of a, you guessed it,  powerful experimental generator.

Finally, there's Spencer Smyth, the head of Oscorp's engineering division. In the comics, Smyth is the creator of a series of robots called the "Spider-Slayers," which are designed specifically to hunt down Spider-Man."

Fans are worried that having too many villains might destroy the film, similar to Spider Man 3. Director Marc Webb reminds that "Amazing Spider Man" is already booked until the 4th movie, and possibly beyond. This may be the start of long term development.

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