Starbuck CEO Howard Schultz’s Petition To Change Attracts Criticism; Media Experts Advise The Seattle Coffee Company To Avoid Shutdown Fiasco

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz's Petition to Change campaign that aims to roll back the government shutdown is attracting criticism from media columnists.

Through the petition, Howard Schultz wants to tell "our leaders in Washington, D.C., now's the time to come together to:

1. Reopen our government to serve the people.
2. Pay our debts on time to avoid another financial crisis.
3. Pass a bipartisan and comprehensive long-term budget deal by the end of the year.

While everybody else took the petition movement as yet another instance of Schultz's political activism, Megan McArdle from Bloomberg and Daniel Gross from TheDailyBeast opine that the Seattle coffee maker's head went a bit too far with his take on shutdown.

Their logic is simple: the Republicans are not likely to identify with Starbucks and its opinions.

"Worse, the events were engineered, from the beginning-transparently and directly-by a group of people who identify themselves in opposition to Starbucks and everything it stands for. Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee identify with the Tea Party, not the Coffee Party, said Daniel Gross in his post.

"Although Schultz has lots of customers who are Republicans, his product is culturally identified with an affluent professional elite that not only overwhelmingly votes Democratic," said McArdle, further adding, "It's like trying to stop your best friend from drinking by getting his ex-wives to sign a petition. It's hard to make a convincing case that they've actually got his best interests at heart."

The campaign kicked off on Friday, October 11, 2013 and implores upon the citizens to sign the petition that will be presented to the decision makers in Washington D.C.

The petition can be e-signed through the social media (every like of the Facebook page of the petition counts as signature). Alternatively, people can print the petition, collect signatures and drop it at the nearest Starbucks outlet.

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