Did Food Stamp Cuts Contribute To Wal Mart Food Stamp Run Buying Frenzy? [VIDEO]; Wal Mart To Foot The Bill For EBT Error; Desperation For Food Leads To Midnight First Of The Month Buying

Did Food Stamp Cuts contribute to the Wal Mart Food Stamp Run? It wasn't midnight on the first of the month, but a bonanza of food stamp shoppers cashed in on a computer glitch that allowed them unlimited funds on their EBT cards.  Wal Mart says it will foot the bill for the unlimited carts of food.

Walmarts in Springfield and Mansfield in Northern Louisiana dealt with the food stamp run as a result of a power outage during routine computer maintenance.

Customers filled up shopping carts, emptying the Wal Mart shelves of food.  Once the EBT glitch had been resolved, they abandoned their carts.  Video footage of the food stamp run has made it to the internet.

Watch Wal Mart food stamp run video here:  

While the Wal Mart Food Stamp Run was caused by a computer glitch, almost 40 billion dollars in food stamp cuts have recently been passed.  These cuts could affect the ability of some to recieve food stamps.

Bloomberg Businessweek reported on the disturbing trend of Wal Mart food stamp runs at midnight on the first of the month, visiting a Wal Mart in North Bergen, NJ to observe the lines forming.  

William S. Simon, Wal Mart's Chief Executive Officer, said: "It's real interesting to watch. About 11 p.m., customers start to come in and shop, fill their grocery basket with basic items ... and mill about the store until midnight. Our sales for those first few hours on the first of the month are substantially and significantly higher. If you really think about it, the only reason somebody gets out in the middle of the night and buys baby formula is that they need it, and they've been waiting for it." 

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