Ann Coulter New Book 2013 [VIDEO]: Coulter Says "Shysters" Are Ruining Republican Party As She Promotes "Never Trust A Liberal Over Three"; Are Coulter's Comments Anti-Semitic?

Ann Coulter New Book 2013: Ann Coulter is releasing a new book in 2013, entitled Never Trust A Liberal Over Three.  The book follows her previous books, Slander, Treason, and Mugged.

Coulter described her new book for 2013 in an interview with Newsbusters: ""My idea with this book is it's a fun book. About 70 percent of it is - and this is way harder than it sounds - the best of the best of the best of my last ten years' of columns, organized into what I think is a rational grouping with introductions for each one with some points I've been meaning to make on some larger subject areas."

Coulter said in an interview with NewsBusters that she "completely withdrew from politics" after the last election, but her new book for 2013 is sure to have her back on the political scene.

Recently Ann Coulter made a controversial appearance on Sean Hannity's show to promote her new book for 2013, Never Trust A Liberal Over Three.

"This is not a party that seems overly concerned with winning elections," Coulter said, adding, "the problem is we have hucksters, shysters, people ripping off the Republican party for their own self-aggrandizement, for their own egos, to make money."

Watch Ann Coulter New Book 2013 Video Here: 

Coulter named former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Todd Akin, Liz Cheney and Mark Sanford as people who are not truly looking out for the future of the Republican Party.

Coulter asked, "I love Liz Cheney, but why should we be having a rancorous primary against a good Republican senator other than for Liz Cheney's ego?" 

Hannity argued that Cheney is the more conservative candidate.

Coulter's reply was direct: "No she isn't. We are not concentrating on winning. We are allowing shysters to take advantage of the Republican Party."

The word "shyster" has an unfortunate connotation and history.  According to Urban Dictionary, the word shyster means "disreputable, unscrupulous, fraudulent" and is "derived from the German term scheisser, meaning literally "one who defecates"", and the word is associated with a history of anti-semitism.  However, the website World Wide Words clarifies that the term does not have an anti-semitic origin.  

Ann Coulter
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