Drunk Dial Congress: Mad Over Continued Government Shutdown? Enact Revenge With The Help Of Booze

Drunk dialing Congress has been made easy by a hilarious website.
Anyone tired of the government shutdown or the behavior of certain legislators has a perfect new outlet: the legislators themselves. Oh, and alcohol. Combining the two never sounded sweeter-and the act promises sweet revenge.
A new website allows people to be connected with the office of a random Congressman and encourages them to do it while totally sloshed.
Simply punch in your phone number, hit send, and start yelling at your lobbyist. Or slurring. Or both.
The site has gotten about 1,000 calls an hour through their system and to the Capitol.
A man named Rich who founded the website said the idea sprang from the press's first hand knowledge that Congress was drinking while they passed laws.
 "The press who were in the galleries of the House could literally smell the fumes of alcohol rising off the members as they were debating," said Rich. "And we thought if they can be boozing it up as they were making decisions about out future then we can be when we are telling them what to do."
User-suggested zingers and accompanying hyperlinks give you some talking points to yell at Congress. Some of the best are below:

If you can yell at a Park Ranger after forcing the Government to shut down then I get to yell at you.
You guys think you are the same as the heroes of 9/11? Get a [expletive] grip.
You jerks are costing the country $12 million bucks per hour!
My grandma can't get her cancer treatment.
I can't watch the panda.
You had one job to do & you failed!
Why don't you make yourself useful and at least mow the lawn?

What do you think? Are you going to drunk-dial Congress? If you try it, let us know in the comments below! 

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