Daisy Coleman Maryville Rape Case To Be Reopened [VIDEO]; Town Shamed Into Action By Journalist Scrutiny? How Small Town Politics Derailed Justice And Drove A Family Out

Daisy Coleman, the Maryville rape victim, came forward this week to tell her story of small town injustice.  Now the Maryville rape case is being re-opened.

The county prosecutor, who has faced intense scrutiny for his decisions about the Maryville Rape case and victim Daisy Coleman, has asked a judge to appoint a special prosecutor to decide if new charges should be filed.

Daisy Coleman's mother, Melinda Coleman, says she was driven out of town due to the intense backlash for reporting the Maryville rape.  According to the Kansas City Star, she lost her job as a veterenarian due to reporting the Maryville rape case.  

Coleman's mother told the Daily Mail about her experience of the backlash from the Maryville rape case: "Basically I was terrified, I wanted to protect my children, I wanted to get them out of there."

After Daisy Coleman's family moved out of Maryville, their house was burned down. The cause is undetermined.

The alleged perpetrator in the Maryville rape case  was a popular high school athlete with family connections.  

The prosecutor declined to move forward with the Maryville rape case, despite video evidence of the crime and confessions.
The internet hacker vigilante group Anonymous  began "OpMaryville" in retaliation, and many contacted the prosecutor in outrage over the treatment of Maryville rape victim Daisy Coleman's case.

Watch Maryville rape case video here:
Daisy Coleman has since struggled with the effects of the crime, according to her mother: "She had a really hard time. She went through a period, a really dark time. She did the self-mutilation and the anger."

Her case recalls other rape cases, such as the one of Reteah Parsons, which ended with the girl's suicide after cyberbullying over the rape.

"So much of being told it was her fault ... it really does seem like it's your fault when people keep saying it over and over again." 

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