Star Wars Episode 7 Rumors[See Video Bloopers from A New Hope]: Harrison Ford Will Be Playing Han Solo For More Star Wars Sequel - Plus 5th Installment of Indiana Jones!

Everybody’s talking about Star Wars Episode 7 rumors but no one is confirming any of it yet. Recently, Harrison Ford has been making a buzz about signing on a multi-picture deal with Disney, which includes more than one Star Wars sequel and an assurance for the 5th installment of Indiana Jones.

Ford seemingly wanted to see his character develop for the next installments of the much talked about Star Wars trilogy, this apparently contradicts the rumors that Han Solo would possibly be killed in Episode 7.

According to JediNews Ford has agreed to play Han Solo role again for over $1 billion before Disney purchased LucasFilm last year. Rumors had begun circulating then that Ford’s deal with LucasFilm will not materialize anymore and that the 71-year old actor would not be returning to Episode 7, but soon vanished when Disney allegedly offered Ford a Indiana Jones sequel.

“Ford wanted a commitment to Indy 5. He did not get this as there is no plot line or script in place. What did happen was an agreement was made wherein an outline would be developed by the end of calendar year 2014, and if all parties can agree to it moving forward, efforts would be made to move on Indy 5 for release before the end of 2016.”

According to an interview with The Telegraph the “Blade Runner” star has expressed his thoughts about returning for another adventure in Indiana Jones.

“We’ve seen the character develop and grow over a period of time and it’s perfectly appropriate and okay for him to come back again with a great movie around him where he doesn’t necessarily have to kick as much ass. To me, what was interesting about the character was that he prevailed, that he had courage, that he had wit, that he had intelligence, that he was frightened and that he still managed to survive. That I can do.”

In other news, see a video blooper from the set of A New Hope during it’s filming in 1977. See Han Solo chewing on his headset while he mess up his lines. The footage was played at San Diego Comic Con earlier this year when editor and author JW Rinzler discovered the video recording.

The video was uploaded by Hollywood Life on October 29.

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Harrison Ford rumor
Harrison Ford
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