‘Pretty Little Liars’ Season 4 Spoilers: What Is Spencer’s Dirty Little Secret? Reasons Why Spencer Could Also Be ‘A’

Spencer is undoubtedly one of the characters who hold a pivotal role in 'Pretty Little Liars'. However, fans are likewise speculating whether she hides something dark behind her prim-and-proper persona. Is she the real person who torments the poor girls with her stealthy moves?

When popular girl Alison disappeared that one particular night, all the Liars were there except for Spencer. She later came in to the house and told the girls about their friend's disappearance. She technically does not own an alibi why she temporarily disappeared.

The real "A" appears to always be ten steps ahead of the girls. In the previous seasons of the thriller flick, all her plans prove to be well-crafted. "A" is someone who possesses the brains and flexibility to execute her plans while remaining unknown. Spencer is not only intelligent but she is likewise an over-achiever who refuses to lose.

During the last season, she similarly had a short stint for the "A" team. Even if her primary motivation was to look for Toby, she still spent much parts of the season lying to her friends which shows that her morals can sway from one thing to another.

Another strong reason why fans deem Spencer as "A" is her financial capability. There is no way for "A" to pull off her tricks without shelling out thousands of dollars. Even the highly-innovative lair is an indication that someone well-off is behind everything and in the town, the Hastings are certainly known as one of the wealthiest and most prominent families.

Another occurrence wherein Spencer was a no-show was the Thornhill Lodge fire wherein Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Mona nearly died. While Melissa affirms that the fire culprit was Wilden, Spencer's separation from her friends only fuelled the suspicion of viewers.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Marlene King hints that viewers should not be complacent: "Everybody's a suspect in Rosewood. And we always say things aren't as they appear to be. We have fun with that theme a lot."

Will Spencer's secret be revealed in the upcoming episodes of 'Pretty Little Liars' Season 4?

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