Samsung's Flexible Phone Concepts Will Blow Your Mind, Foldable Display On-Board

For the past couple of months, a lot of analysts, experts and consumers have been expecting the extra-ordinary from two of the biggest names in LCD development and innovation. However, both Korean manufacturers fell short of expectations when they released the Galaxy Round and G Flex respectively. But as for Samsung, this might just be the beginning of its Samsung flexible phone concept. 

In a report by BGR, Australia side has revealed several concept images from Samsung which shows what the company is aiming for in the future. There were three concept images, each one with a unique feature that would revolutionize the way people use their smartphones. 

The first one is a phone that can be folded into a post-it-sized device. The flexible display will cover the entire front surface, and allow the phone to be folded like paper. 

Meanwhile, the second concept shows a school desktop that is covered entirely by a screen. What's mind-blowing here is that it can be folded or bent upward so that students would be able to learn more interactively. 

Last but not the least, the third concept image shows a user taking a selfie while holding a paper-thin device that has been folded to resemble a triangle. 

All of these concepts are nothing short of revolutionary and would be considered true innovation once they are realized. Samsung just need to make sure that its upcoming phones being feature-packed would not hinder them to perform simple tasks easier. 

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