Michael Moore Hates America Clearly After Blaming US Citizens For The LAX Shooting; 'Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People'

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Mike Wilson, who directed the documentary "Michael Moore Hates America," might have been on to something.

Just some days after the shooting in Los Angeles International Airport, TMZ caught up with Moore outside of a terminal to get his opinion on the open fire that took place.

The documentary filmmaker wondered why this is so popular in the US while other international countries don't have the same problem.

"Nothing changes. It's the country we live in. Again, these are legally purchased guns, bullets ... what are you going to do?" Moore asked. "Well I think there's a reason why this doesn't happen in Canada, in Ireland, in France, and elsewhere. They have the occasional craziness but it's not on a weekly or a monthly basis. So why us? Cause they're not better than us. So why us? What is it about us? That's the question to ask."

Moore is well-known for his Academy Award-winning 2002 movie "Bowling for Columbine," a documentary that centered around causes and explanations behind the 1999 shooting at Colorado's Columbine High School.

"They have mentally ill people in those countries. In Canada hunting is a bigger sport than hockey. There's a lot of guns in Canada, but why don't they kill each other?" Moore continued. "I think the NRA, they've got it half right when they say 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But I change it to guns don't kill people, Americans kill people, cause we're really the only ones that do it on this level and this scale."

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Mike Wilson
Academy Award
Bowling for Columbine
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