Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Sneak Peek Teaser [VIDEO]: Time Lord Home World Seen In Painting As Moffat Teases 8.5 Hurt Doctor In Interview

The first glimpse of the "Doctor Who" 50th Anniversary has been shown in a teaser sneak peek!

In the video below, we see the Doctor (Matt Smith) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) examining a painting that looks oddly familiar.

Can you guess what the painting depicts? Check out the "Doctor Who" 50th Anniversary teaser below:

"I think that's the Time Lords' home world as old David described it," writes Kingofkilps on YouTube.

As "Doctor Who" fans may know, Gallifrey is the home planet of the Doctor and the Time Lords, and the painting seems to depict the planet during the Time War.

Notice early in the clip someone mentions Elizabeth and the painting showing her "credentials." Fans are speculating that Elizabeth is in fact in reference to Queen Elizabeth I, portrayed by Joanna Page.

Did Elizabeth paint this painting, or did she obtain it somehow from another source?

Meanwhile, "Doctor Who" executive producer Steven Moffat has addressed the long-running rumor that John Hurt is playing Doctor 8.5, that is, an incarnation between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston.

According to DoctorWhoTV, Moffat has denied the theory based on John Hurt's costume, which fans believe to be a patchwork of McGann and Eccleston's.

"I can see why people say that. Looking at it face to face it didn't occur to me as a patchwork of previous Doctors at all. It's a rougher, tougher Doctor. It looks like somehow he's been through it a bit," says Moffat. "We are saying 'This isn't a Doctor who's just appeared, he's been around, he's been in this form for a while.' So one of the notes was make it look as though he's been knocking around in this incarnation for a bit."

"It's another indicator that he's not a fresh-born Doctor. We didn't want to imply that he'd just been around for a little while. There's a whole lot of stuff you missed! It's a nice thing to be able to say in the show, and for no one to be able to contradict you, that there were years that you didn't know about... we lied and lied, there's a whole big old chapter you didn't know."

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