Robocop Remake Trailer: Watch The RoboCop Remake Second Trailer As It Unveils Samuel L. Jackson’s Pro-Robocop Propaganda -'It Is Great To See American Machines Helping To Promote Peace Abroad'

The First trailer of the RoboCop remake was not well received by the original film's fans; the non-impressive trailer turned them off. However, the second trailer proves to be better with a more bite and revelations to it. The real question though is, will it satisfy the fans and will it prove its claim for a remake?

The trailer showed how Samuel L. Jackson is trying to convince the society on the need for RoboCop and the likes in the government, how these robots could help lessen crime. The trailer talked about conscience and free will, it show cased lots of gunfights between the good and the bad guys with a lot of explosions in the film and of course it showed off the new RoboCop design suit.

In the opening of the trailer, Samuel L. Jackson was having a speech, mocking people on why they don't want RoboCop in their neighborhood.

  "What if I told you that even the worst neighborhood in America could be made completely safe?" says Samuel L. Jackson at the beginning of the trailer, standing in front of a waving American flag. "How do I know this? Because it's happening, right now, in every country in the world but this one. It is great to see American machines helping to promote peace abroad. So then tell me, why can't we use these machines here at home? Why is America so robo-phobic?"

At the later part of the trailer, RoboCop emerged from the scene played by Joel Kinnaman, who went through extensive surgery and R&D process to becoming RoboCop. There were fight scenes of course but not too violent that it would threaten the PG-13 rating of the remake. Despite the blurry CGI-heavy actions scene, the remake showed significant improvement on the original film's special effects.

The RoboCop remake's worth is remains to be in question well not until the current model hits theaters nationwide on Feb. 12, 2014.

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Samuel L. Jackson
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