Metal Gear Solid 5 Release Date: Spring 2014 Phantom Pain Release Excludes PS4, Xbox One? New Information Reveals Next-Generation Packaging Remains ‘Unclear’

Metal Gear Solid 5 developer Square Enix will release the game's Phanton Pain segment in Spring 2014, but it remains "unclear" if they will begin packaging next-generation versions of the game, according to

"Konami UK tells us the packaged current-gen versions will be sold at £30, while downloadable versions are priced £20 on current-gen systems, and £30 on Xbox One and PS4; it's unclear if there'll packaged next-gen versions as well," the website writes.

"While it's yet to be confirmed, we'd say that would translate into prices below $60 in North America. It's also unknown when Phantom Pain itself will be released."

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes will introduce key gameplay elements that will be fully realized in The Phantom Pain, and it will act as a bridge between the events of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and The Phantom Pain, reports.

It will also serve as a bridge for gameplay elements, by featuring the progression from the earlier titles' linear level design to Phantom Pain's open world, the website also reports.

Developer Hideo Kojima revealed that Ground Zeroes, which will feature Big Boss infiltrating a prison camp, will take place in Cuba.

Ground Zeroes will be available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 at retail for $29.99 or as a $19.99 download, reports.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will be available as $29.99 downloads.

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