Joanna Krupa VS Lisa Hochstein [VIDEO] After Tension All Season Krupa And Hochstein Have It Out On Miami Housewives Reunion

Joanna Krupa VS Lisa Hochstein: The blond Miami Housewives have had tension all season and now the war has finally started, Joanna Krupa blames 'partying' on why Lisa Hochstein can't get pregnant. The most drama at the reunion will be between Joanna and Lisa after being friends for two season. 

Joanna said this about Lisa Hochstein on the Miami reunion, which will air tonight: "She has such an issue with getting pregnant, maybe cutting down on the partying would help with the health aspect of getting pregnant. She should focus on herself a little more." Does Joanna has any facts to back up her claim? It's the hard partying girls that are always getting pregnant! Have you seen Maury?

Joanna has treated Lisa like dirt throughout the entire season. When Joanna gets upset she kicks Lisa out of her wedding, and then when she feels better Joanna lets her friend back in.  Joanna should apologize to Lisa for being her punching bag all season, not throw insults at her. The super model is always telling Lisa to get a job?!  We can't all be 5'11, blond, with a perfect body and face like Joanna. 

 Can't Joanna just support Lisa and help her find her passion? If they are supposed to be friends than Joanna should just accept her friend, not rip apart about things that have nothing to do with her.The only true friendship I believed on the show feels like it never really existed.

And now with these pregnancy remarks I can't see this friendship working out. Lisa needs to end her friendship with JOanna immediately. JOanna thinks she's too good for isa and Lisa does not need her in her life.

The Real Housewives Of Miami reunion will air tonight  and their seems to some much needed drama. As the least successful show in the franchise, The Real Housewives of Miami has not being very entertaining all season so the reunion better bring it! 

The other drama will of course be between Adriana and Lea. Their feud is so boring and drawn out. I think that viewers don't like Miami because they are not emotionally invested in the characters. When other Housewives have fought in the past such as Jill and Bethenny and Vicki and Tamra, the audience cares about the women and wants to see their friendship get mended. But on the Miami Housewives, I really don't care either way.

So Adriana and Lea will have some unkind words to each other. Lea tells Adriana that she is unappreciative of all the help she has provided her. How many times do we need to hear this?

As for the rest of the ladies, who really cares! I don't even know their lasts names. They are so uninteresting. The only thing I'm curious about is if Marisol shows up. She was absent from the last two episodes of the show. But nobody even noticed! She's as entertaining as a rock.

The RHOM airs tonight on Bravo at at 10 p.m. and part two airs Thursday at 9 p.m.

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