Larry Flynt Doesn’t Want The Death Penalty For the Man Who Shot Him; He’d Rather Do It Himself; Capital Punishment Does Not Stop Crime

Larry Flynt is against the death penalty. Even for the man who shot him. The Hustler publisher is taking on the Missouri courts. He says he doesn't want the state to kill Joseph Paul Franklin, but if you gave Larry Flynt a pair of pliers, he'd do it himself.

Joseph Paul Franklin, 63, is set to die on November 20 for the killing Gerald Gordon, 42, outside a Richmond Heights synagogue in 1977. Besides Gordon, Franklin confessed to seven other murders. He also confessed that he shot Larry Flynt and civil rights leader Vernon Jordan. Franklin is a suspect in eight other homicides.

Larry Flynt has been paralyzed from the waist down since he was shot on the steps of a Georgia courthouse in in 1978. Flynt was on trial for pornography charges.

On Saturday, Flynt, sued in federal court in Kansas City, Mo., invoking a First Amendment right to view sealed documents. The documents may identify an anesthesiologist on the execution team. Flynt is represented by a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri. He says he has an interest because he was also shot Franklin. Franklin shot Flynt in response to a Hustler pictures of an interracial couple. Franlkin is a white supremacist.

In an article in Hollywood Reporter Larry Flynt wrote that killing the man on death row who wounded him and  killed several others will not deter crime. Flynt believes that it is a harsher punishment to be locked in a small prison cell. He wrote "As I see it, the sole motivating factor behind the death penalty is vengeance, not justice, and I firmly believe that a government that forbids killing among its citizens should not be in the business of killing people itself."

Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt was shot and paralyzed 35 years ago but says he doesn't want to see the serial killer death for his crimes.

On Thursday, Larry Flynt published an essay in The Hollywood Reporter saying that while he would love to use pliers and wire cutters on Joseph Paul Franklin, Flynt does not believe in the death penalty.

Since 1980, Joseph Paul Franklin jailed for shootings that left five people dead and others wounded. He has been on death row for 15 years. Franklin is scheduled for execution in Missouri on Nov. 20. Franklin asked to be sentenced to death after he was convicted of his fifth murder.

Franklin blamed his killing spree on his hatred of blacks and Jews. He admitted that he shot Larry Flynt because Hustler Magazine featured a photo spread showing a black man with a white woman. Franklin was never tried for the attack on Larry Flynt.

Flynt writes "I have every reason to be overjoyed with that decision, but I am anything but."

Flynt does not believe that believe capital punishment is a deterrent to crime. In his essay, Flynt points out that when pickpockets were executed in 18th century England, people who came to see the public hangings had their pockets picked.

Flynt writes "That's a true story, and, if you're ever trying to convince somebody of why the death penalty is not a deterrent, that's a good example."

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