Kenya Moore VS ALL The Real Housewives Of Atlanta! [VIDEO] Porsha Stewart And Nene Leakes Are New Targets For Ex Miss America

Kenya Moore VS all of the Real Housewives Of Atlanta! This girl is crazy! In two seasons Of Atlanta Housewives Kenya Moore has managed to piss off all of the women. Her newest targets are Porsha Stewart and Nene Leakes! After already fighing with Phaedra and Kandi, Kenya finds more reasons to beef with the Atlanta Housewives, writng all kinds of insults about them in her blog. 

Kenya Moore had an ally in Nene Leakes during her first season and on the premiere of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta. Nene convinced Kenya to make nice with the other Housewives even though Nene knew that Kenya as in teh wrong. But Kenya completely turned on Nene when Nene rightfully was upset for nt attending her wedding or even having the courtesy to RSVP. But Kendra thinks she's above all that.

Kenya and Nene faught in teh premeier of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, and Kenya even pulled her ear! But Kenya insists in her Housewives blog, "I never raised my voice, I never attacked her nor called her out of her name. I've always been an affectionate person who touches, and I was simply trying to have a civilized conversation with NeNe. Therefore, touching her ear was not aggressive. And she clearly didn't see it that way either."

"NeNe makes an issue that I never called her to respond to her wedding invitation but took to Twitter to let everyone know that I had an invitation. FALSE.  Firstly, I personally texted her to tell her I would be in Africa at the time and would not be able to attend. So let's keep it real with the real facts."

Kenya continues, "She took the time to out of her busy wedding planning schedule to ask me if I was coming via text. At that time I felt she could have also shared the info of her invitation to my ex. It wasn't required of her, but in my upbringing, it would have been common courtesy to inform me personally. After all, I had spent the past Thanksgiving with her then sharing some very personal info about my ex with her...NeNe had in the past looked out for me regarding the actions and personal attacks and vendetta my ex had against me prior to him acting on them. So clearly, NeNe knew where that relationship stood... All the more reason to inform me as a friend that she had invited him to her wedding."  

Kenya Moore goes on to slam Porsha Stewart for suggesting Kordell Is gay. Kenya and Porsha have never been friends and now Ms. Gone With The Wind Fabulous slams Porsha for hinting too much about her ex Kordell and refuses to believe that he's gay even calling Porsha a 'liar.'

It's true that Porsha Stewart has hinted about her ex's sexuality in the RHOA season 6 premiere and recent second episode saying, "Kordell didn't necessarily want me physically and that made me wonder, what does he want?" and "He had no reason to divorce me. When we first got together, I asked him about rumors of him being gay, because family members were bringing it up to me and friends were asking me about it, and he explained it away. I didn't question whether he was gay or not because someone else said it. Any reasons that I questioned it were things I had experienced or seen."

But somehow enemy and cast mate Kenya Moore thinks Porsha's confessionals are her own business, and they are not.

Kenya Moore says on her blog about her longtime enemy, 'I find it quite disturbing that Porsha and her family go on and on about the fact that Kordell may be gay.'

'After all, she told the world she had a "picture perfect life" and married the "man of her dreams."  Cut to Porsha sitting with the attorney agreeing to take him back if he abided by a "list."'

'Well, a thinking person with a brain would ask the question that if the main problem was that he is possibly gay, why would you want him back? I don't think Porsha is telling the whole truth. That's always been my opinion of her and it remains the same after listening to her recall the "facts" about their marriage (sic).'

In a radio interview(above) Kordell denies the gay allegations saying, "No! I promise you on my life and everything that I'm a part of including my son, and on my father who's no longer here, that that has never happened, nor will anything ever come up... ever come up with no dude. About me and nothing... People can say what they want to say."

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