Elder Scrolls Online Release Date Set For Early 2014? New Information Reveals Bethesda Will Launch New Game In First Quarter Of Next Year

Elder Scrolls Online developer Bethesda will release the game in the first quarter of 2014, StrategyInformer.com reports, giving gamers hope for an early-year release.

The website also discussed changes in character customization that will accompany the game's release date version.

"Even though creating your character is just the first step on your adventure, it's an important one. We want to give you the tools you need to realize the hero you're already envisioning, and we're excited to give you a peek at some of the options you'll use to create the character you want to play in ESO," Bethesda released in a statement.

Elder Scrolls Online developers revealed that customization options will include racial specific features, according to Joystiq.com.

"There are currently 24 hairstyle choices per gender in the character creation system. Some of these choices are shared between races, but each race has some unique hairstyle options," developers revealed in a recent interview, according to the website.

"Hair color and eye color are also specific to each race and align with established lore. For example, Wood Elves have an option for black eyes that is not available to any other race."

They also revealed during a recent question-and-answer segment with gamers around the world that users will be able to get new hairstyles and tattoos after the release date version, leaving many wondering if the game will include a barbershop function, as one fan suggested.

While Elder Scrolls Online developers mentioned that a customization feature of that nature will not be available upon the game's release date, there will be ways to include more grooming and design options in the future.

One fan asked if the idea of a barbershop after character creation was possible, according to Examiner.com, but the developers did not specify.

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