Metal Gear Solid 5 Release Date Version Rushed And Low Quality? Series Creator Hideo Kojima Says New Game Will Have ‘Inconsistencies’

Metal Gear Solid 5 series creator Hideo Kojima revealed that the new game will have several "inconsistencies," reports, leaving many wondering if the release date version will be rushed and low quality.

"When you try to write something that was supposed to be in the middle there will be some inconsistencies when you go into very small details," he revealed during an interview.

"So sometimes in the interest of doing this, of having a better experience, we sacrifice some consistencies in the story. I hope the fans and players understand this, but I need to write the best we can, even if there are some small discrepancies."

Metal Gear Solid 5 developer Square Enix will release the game's Phanton Pain segment in Spring 2014, but it remains "unclear" if they will begin packaging next-generation versions of the game, according to

"Konami UK tells us the packaged current-gen versions will be sold at £30, while downloadable versions are priced £20 on current-gen systems, and £30 on Xbox One and PS4; it's unclear if there'll packaged next-gen versions as well," the website writes.

"While it's yet to be confirmed, we'd say that would translate into prices below $60 in North America. It's also unknown when Phantom Pain itself will be released."

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes will introduce key gameplay elements that will be fully realized in The Phantom Pain, and it will act as a bridge between the events of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and The Phantom Pain, reports.

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