‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Movie: Will E.L. James Favorite Sex Scene Make It To The Big Screen? Author Says She’s ‘Terrified’ Of Filming In December

"Fifty Shades of Grey" movie will begin filming in just a few weeks, and E.L. James revealed how she feels about the movie and discussed her hopes for the "Fifty Shades of Grey" film adaptation - including sex scenes.

Entertainment Weekly talked to "Fifty Shades of Grey" author E.L. James about the movie adaptation of her world-famous book, and of course the conversation couldn't gloss over the sex scenes in "Fifty Shades."

EW: Were there specific sex scenes that you felt definitely had to be in the film?

"Everybody has their favorite sex scenes," James said.

EW: What's yours?

"I'm not going to say," James said cryptically.

But then EW mentioned the scene that all "Fifty Shades of Grey" fans will remember and most likely is their favorite, the "scene in [Ana's] bedroom with his necktie, the blindfold, and the white wine," Entertainment Weekly reports.

In a whisper, E.L. James responded: "That's mine too."

So will E.L. James' favorite sex scene also be in the movie adaptation of "Fifty Shades of Grey"?

"You have to wait and see," she teased.

However, we can't imagine Universal Pictures glossing over this memorable sex scene - though producers certainly have a lot to choose from.

Entertainment Weekly asked James how she feels now that "Fifty Shades" is about to start filming in Vancouver in December.

"I'm terrified. Completely. I've been terrified from the moment I published the book," James said. "My mother was terrified of everything, and so am I. It's a terrible way to grow up. You don't expect this kind of success. Even now it floors me. My only ambition for the books was to see them in bookstores. This is huge. And there is this passionate fandom; we need to get this right for them."

EW asked: Do you think fans will hold you responsible if they don't like the movie?

"Oh God, of course they will. They hold me responsible for everything," James responded. 

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