Fallout 4 Release Date Imminent As Bethesda Files For Trademark In Europe? Teaser Website Shows Countdown Pointing To December 11 Launch

Fallout 4 release date news has been very scarce for the past few months, but recently, a new development was reported online.

Until now, Fallout 4 release date remain to be rumors, as gaming industry come up with potential schedule of the arrival of the game. However, there might be a sign that indeed, Fallout 4 release date may happen in the future, as according to a post on Digital Journal, Bethesda, the creator of Fallout 4 series have filed for a copyright of the "Fallout 4" name in Europe. Bethesda reportedly filed with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Markets, which is the trademark office in Europe.

Moreover, as posted on the site, the timing of Bethesda getting copyright for Fallout 4 made other people "believe that the release of the Sony Playstation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One have led the game developer to finally move to make a fourth title in the popular series."

Most certainly, similar to what other reports about Fallout 4 release date suggest, Bethesda's next-gen project is likely releasing for the Sony PlayStation 4, the Microsoft Xbox One and the Windows PC.

There were also previous rumors that may suggest that Fallout 4 release date is just around the corner. For one, it was reported that the game studio was hiring "talented programmers" to work on the "bleeding-edge of RPG development for PC and future-generation consoles," as posted on Now Gamer.

Furthermore, a teaser website called Survivor 2999 posted a countdown which is due of December 11, the alleged Fallout 4 release date. Particularly, the countdown clock points to a reveal at 8 PM GMT on Wednesday, December 11. There is also a message in Morse Code featured on the teaser site.

According to Video Gamer, "Bethesda has yet to officially acknowledge the website, but a WhoIs listing reveals that the domain is owned by parent company ZeniMax Media."

Expect more news about Fallout 4 release date in the  coming days. 

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