'Love Rain' Jang GeunSuk & Yuna: Teaser Revealed!

Teaser for the drama 'Love Rain' was revealed.

In the 2nd teaser revealed on the 5th, the nervousness of a new couple who had just started their love was portrayed.

In a studio where sunshine is lighting, InHa (Jang GeunSuk) is containing the beauty of YoonHee (Yoona) unto a canvas. Then heartbeat is heard, and the narration says "My heart is starting to beat like crazy", portraying the heart of a man who had just fallen in love.

Then, sudden sound of the rain falling is heard, and the narration of Yoonhee reads "I think love and rain are similar", and the shy face of YoonHee under InHa's umbrella is shown.

Netizens who saw this commented, "It's such a short teaser, but its impact is so great", "Jang GeunSuk's voice is heart fluttering", "Yuna is such a goddess", etc.

Love Rain Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Girls Generation
Jang Keun Suk
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