Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Plans Slow Down? Square Enix Announces They Will Put More Emphasis On More Online-Based Titles

Square Enix recently announced that they would soon focus more attention on online-based titles, leaving many gamers wondering if the release date of Kingdom Hearts 3 will be delayed.

"This new release strategy severely hinders the progress of such game titles like KH3 and FF14, the move most likely pushes away much needed resources, with an already delayed release date for both titles, gamers will certainly not be happy with the news," the Latin Times writes.

"However, Yosuke Matsuda, the president of Square Enix did reassure fans of the flagship games that Sqaure Enix will still develop these titles, in addition to creating new mobile content and online games."

But Microsoft released a new trailer for upcoming Xbox One video games during a televised special celebrating the launch of the next-generation system which included footage from Kingdom Hearts 3, reports, leaving many fans wondering if the game's release date will be announced soon.

Both Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 were included in the montage but both titles were not revealed until after Microsoft's media briefing.

Kingdom Hearts 3 could expect a release date as far away as 2015 - new comments suggest the game would be made available to gamers months or possibly a year after March 2014.

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