Once Upon A Time Season 3 Mid-Season Recap: Rumple Still Alive? Regina’s Major Sacrifice, And Emma Swan, Captain Hook Relationship To Continue

Here's Once Upon A Time Season 3 mid-season finale RECAP! [Major SPOILERS ALERT!] Don't read if you haven't watched episode 11 yet!

In the OUAT Season 3 Episode 10 "The New Neverland", Pan's newest plan unfolded. At the beginning of the mid-season finale, we saw Pan taking the life of his most loyal "lost boy," Felix.

But, this is just the beginning of a major rollercoaster ride for the OUAT characters.

After Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) casted the spell, the gang continued to find a way to break the curse. Rumple (Robert Carlyle) was able to find a way to stop Pan's spell. But, he needs to return Henry and Pan's spirits to their original bodies and get the blank wand from Blue Fairy (Yes, Blue Fairy is still alive!).

But, Pan wasn't easy to defeat. He escaped from Rumple and tried to kill Bae. Luckily, Rumple was able to face his fears and eventually got the courage he needs to fulfill his role. He defeated Pan using his dagger but also ended up killing himself.

Rumple to Pan: "You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there's one thing you're forgetting, so am I. I sent it away with something to hide. You see, the only way for you to die... is if we both die. And, now... now... I'm ready."

Whether he's alive or not, we have to see when OUAT comes back in March.

However, during an interview with TV Guide, there could be a slight hint that Rumple will still be back for Season 4.

When Belle (Emilie de Ravin) was asked about future of her character, she said that Belle could have a potential relationship with Bae (Michael Raymond-James) saying, "since she's basically like my step-son. Not legally. She ain't married yet."

Carlyle interjected saying, "They're not married. Season 4 maybe."

Maybe is still a good sign he'll be back next year! There are still a lot of stories to explore for Carlyle's character in the story.

While Rumple's death shocked everyone, it looks like he wasn't the only one who changed. Regina's major sacrifice in the mid-season finale episode was also a major shocker that touched a lot of viewer's hearts.

In order to stop Pan's curse, Regina needs to undo the curse she casted that brought Storybrooke to life. And, in order to do this, she needs to make a sacrifice to not see Henry ever again. By undoing the curse, everyone in Storybrooke will go back to where they originally were with no memories of Storybrooke.

But, since Henry wasn't born in the Enchanted Forest, he needs to stay in the real world with Emma, which makes it impossible for Regina to see Henry again.

This motherly sacrifice shouldn't be a surprise. Ever since, Regina only wanted Henry to be happy and to feel his love. She got that and she's willing to pay the price of the curse she casted in the first place.

Regina: "You heard Mr. Gold. Villains don't get happy endings."

Henry: "You're not a villain. You're my mom."

Regina successfully undoes the curse and Emma and Henry now have their own happy memories living in New York. But, what happens to Emma Swan and Captain Hook?

Emma/Hook fans, looks like you'll be seeing more of their relationship when OUAT comes back in March.

Before Emma and Hook separated, Hook told Emma that he will never forget her and he'll always think about her every day.

Hook: "There's not a day will go by I won't think of you."

Emma: "Good."

At the later part of the episode when Emma and Henry are living their "happy lives," Hook went to their apartment and tries to tell her that her family is in danger.

But, Emma doesn't remember Hook. Hook tries to make her remember by kissing her. Though, it didn't work.

If Hook was able to remember Emma and she was able to find her, it is possible that Hook will serve as a way to help Emma remember.

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