NBA Trade Rumors - Kobe Bryant Injury Pushes Lakers At The Crossroads; Major Rebuilding Means Trading Pau Gasol

LA Lakers center Pau Gasol was reportedly taken out of the trading block. That does not mean he's staying, though. The declaration preceded a game-changing event-Kobe getting injured again.

As previously quoted, Ken Berger of CBS stated: "Only two things will end trade talks: an actual trade and the trade deadline." Also, an NBA insider who remained anonymous said: "When a team says X player is 'off the table' it really means 'we got lowball deals.'"

That means, the Lakers did not get a good offer on Pau. They need to keep him and increase his trade value. Pau's resurgence in the past few games is helping both their causes. Perhaps this was the plan.

Are the Lakers a playoff team? Surprisingly, the Lakers are not as bad as expected. They are actually doing well, considering how competitive the Western Conference is. Last year, with Kobe healthy, Dwight Howard and Steve Nash along with Metta World Peace and even Antawn Jamison off the bench, the Lakers went .500 after winning their Christmas game against the Knicks. The Lakers are .500 now without any of those players mentioned.

But before the Lakers nation celebrates, Zach Lowe of Grantland delivers the painful truth:

"Byrant's injury greatly slows his overall recovery process, likely eliminating the possibility of a fully recovered Bryant - whatever that looks like, post-Achilles - playing this season. That was the very slim hope for this L.A. team: The group hangs in as Kobe recovers, and then takes off when he finds his game. That is likely an impossibility now. A playoff berth would be massively shocking. This is a lottery team, and always has been."

Joining the Lakers in the hunt for the final playoff spot: the Minnesota Timberwolves with an MVP-like Kevin Love; the Golden State Warriors who are in a slump and have the toughest early schedule; New Orleans Pelicans with an MVP -like Anthony Davis returning to form after a minor injury.

This is the perfect time for the Lakers to rebuild. Let D'Antoni work on these players to get some wins and entertain the fans while the  LA looks forward to next year. The next year, without Pau Gasol.

Reality checks on the Pau trade:

Pau is only an asset because of his expiring contract. He will not be the same player he was. All the rival GMs know this.

 The Lakers will not get a first round pick for him. LA will only have one pick for 2014 and that is their own. It is best to try to make that pick as high as possible.

Because of Pau Gasol's salary, the Lakers can get a star, but the team will likely send a bad, long term contract along with that star. Examples are Rondo + Gerald Wallace, Luol Deng + Carlos Boozer, Harrison Barnes + David Lee but only if the Warriors season becomes disastrous.  Everyone is blaming David Lee for their slump, 

The Lakers are down, but they will always have options. Even in one of their worst seasons, the spotlight is on the Tinseltown team.

nba trade rumors
kobe bryant
LA Lakers
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