Bethenny Frankel Still Lives With Her Ex! [VIDEO Jason "Making Things Difficult" And Won't Leave NYC Apartment

Bethenny Frankel Lives With Hoppy During Divorce 

 Bethenny still lives with her ex in their NYC apartment and their divorce battle, that began in May 2010, is not easing. Jason refuses to leave their $5million New York home, feeling that he deserves the apartment as much as she does.

'Jason is making things difficult for Bethenny' a source told the Daily Mail. Bethenny, who is said to be worth around $100 million, has described her living situation as 'very stressful'. But another source said that her ex 'helped build her brand,' and is reluctant to leave their home.'

Bethenny Frankel previously let the world know her divorce is messier than fans could have imagined saying on 'Bethenny' that she lives with her ex.  When Ellen Degeneres asked Bethenny why she's never invited over to her place, Bethenny replied, "my ex husband lives In my house, Ellen." 

Frankel was trying to have a 'girlfriend' type of chat with Degeneris, but the information left the audience squirming in their 'Bethenny' seats. Their was prior specualtion that Bethenny and Jason Hoppy were still living in the same Tribeca apartment but the awkward convo with Ellen confirmed the sheer madness of her divorce.

Degeneres also said, via satellite, that there is a lot more to Bethenny Frankel's divorce she knows her friend would love to share with her audience, but can not.  "Bethenny wishes she could share, but can't, "Ellen explained.

"You can't really talk about what's going on in your life right now and I know that," hinting that Frankel's divorce is a lot more complicated than viewers think. "I know what's really going on and I know that's really hard for you to not share how difficult a time this is for you. That's weird because you do share everything with your audience but you are not allowed to talk about your divorce, so I'll just leave it at that." 

The heart to heart was touching but left the audience with a cringing feeling that Bethenny's divorce is so icky and much more dramatic than anybody had anticipated. What couple still lives in the same NYC apartment almost a year after their split? Can't the SkinnyGirl millionaire rent another apartment or spring for a hotel room away from Jason Hoppy? Awkward... 

And Bethenny is trying to move on, but the divorce with Hoppy just won't conclude and gets more heated as the days go by. 

 Jason wants her SkinnyGirl staff to move out of their mutual home, and he records Bethenny and has begged a judge to get the SkinnyGiirl staff out of his apartment because it is disturbing his daughter Bryn.  He says the staff gather in the common areas and talk about grown up things very loudly, and Hoppy doesn't want Bryn exposed to the chatty staff anymore. 

A number of staff, including a marketing executive and a group of interns, work from the home office. 

 "It's not a big office, but the employees use the bathrooms in the apartment and often gather in the kitchen to just gab," a source close to the couple revealed.

"It's very concerning for Jason. He believes it's disrupting Bryn's sleep schedule. He is also concerned for Bryn's safety, as Jason doesn't know the background of these people. It makes no sense to cram all of those people into that small room. Jason believes that Bethenny is trying to make him as miserable as possible in their apartment... especially considering that she can certainly afford to lease office space for the staffers."

Also a judge has actually prohibited Hoppy and Frankel from secretly recording each other! He's been secretly recording Bethenny's Skinny Gril staff and Bryn's nanny though TMZ confirms that Bethenny is not guitly of pulling the same dirty trick. The of use tape recorders, cell phones or computers to record each other is now officaily off limits for Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy. It's going to far!

Bethenny is fighting for sole custody of daughter Bryn, but Jason will do anything to see his daughter. 

According to RadarOnline a source close to the couple said, "In what world does Bethenny live in where she thinks Jason would just walk away from Bryn? It's clear to Jason that Bethenny once she had their child, she got what she wanted from the relationship and she walked away."

"Anything he can do to push her buttons, it's being done. She can't steamroll Jason," the source added. "They hardly speak to each other, but when they do, it's nasty," the insider said.

 For the sake of their daughter, Bethenny should drop the custody battle and let Jason see thier daughter as much as he wants. The endless fighting can not be healthy for Bryn.


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