Real Housewives Of New Jersey Missing Teresa Giudice Trial! [VIDEO] Producers Livid That Court Case Is Pushed To April


Real Housewives Of New Jersey is missing Teresa Giudice's trial! Unfortunately for Bravo, as the court case was moved from February 2014 to April. Producers were counting on the trial to be reality gold for Housewives. Ratings were expected to reach all time highs as viewers would be addicted to watching Teresa Giudice and her family arriving and leaving the trial.

Missing the trial is a real pity for the franchise and its millions of viewers. Now Teresa and Joe Giudice will only be filmed on Housewives sulking or trying to 'remain positive,' making for much less interesting television. Cameras were all set to follow the Giudice couple, accused of a whopping 41 counts of fraud but the new development has cancelled the plan.

 According to RadarOnilne, the show started filimg late because "the producers just could not get everything together so quickly. They wanted to make sure they are able to get all of the Jersey women for the Christmas holiday and they want Teresa's court drama included but they just didn't move very fast and so production was delayed for a while." Unfortunatley, the delay was all for nothing.

Viewers were so excited to watch Teresa get all stressed out, and were curious how the trial would conclude. 

Misssing the trial isn't the only hardship for the show. The newest cast members are threatening to quit mid-season after not getting along with the old Housewives.

According to RadarOnline, "Teresa has been getting along better than ever with sister-in-law Melissa Gorga this season, so the war is three on three. The source continued, "twin sisters Nicole and Teresa Napolitano are having a hard time dealing with the other Jersey Housewives. 

"The twins come into season 6 of Housewives with their friend Amber Marchese and all three women can't stand the other ladies. There are even rumors that Housewives is working out so terribly that they might actually quit the hit reality show mid-season."

"These new girls aren't working out," adding, "the twins are over it and ready to quit. I don't see them lasting longer than this season."

Kathy Wakile and her sister Rosie are reportedly keeping their distance from all of the drama, which is not surprising. Kathy and Rosie are probably trying to keep the piece but will eventually choose sides as Housewives keeps filming.

In case you didn't know, Teresa and her husband Joe Giudice are facing a multitude of very serious charges which can result in a 50 year prison sentence each.

Below is a summary of their previous charges:

1) Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud: The indictment states that between 2001-2008, using the U.S. mail, private carriers and wire communications, they defrauded 7 different banks and mortgage lenders.

2) Bank Fraud: The indictment states 5 banks were defrauded by submitting applications with false tax returns, pay stubs, and W-2s that gave false salaries and income. In total they stole $4.5 million from various banks.

3) Loan Application Fraud: For making false statements in those bank loan applications

4) Bankruptcy Fraud: Concealment, False Oaths, False Declarations. These are 22 different counts alone. In essence, they lied to the BK courts (under oath) about their finances and they knowingly filed false documents to conceal their income. That's perjury. Tre & Joe never withdrew their bankruptcy, the courts denied their petition on suspicion of fraud.

5) Failure to Make Tax Returns: These counts are all against Joe, and claim he didn't file tax returns from 2004-2008.

Joe Giudice, whose real first name is Giuseppe, is an Italian citizen. Thus, he could face deportation if he is convicted.

Joe Giudice, 43, was released on a $500,000 bond secured by his father, Frank. Teresa Giudice, 41, was released on a $500,000 unsecured bond.

The duo also had their travel restricted to New Jersey and New York and had to surrender their passports.

The pattern of alleged fraud may have lasted a decade," U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said.

"They're serious charges," he said.

 "They are alleged to have made false statements to the bankruptcy court and the banks that lent them money," Fishman told press.

In a statement, Teresa Giudice discussed the charges.

"I support Joe and, as a wonderful husband and father, I know he wants only the best for our lovely daughters and me," she said. "I am committed to my family and intend to maintain our lives in the best way possible, which includes continuing my career. As a result, I am hopeful that we will resolve this matter with the government as quickly as possible."

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