Doctor Who Season 8 Begins Filming Today As Whovians Rank Their Favorite Christmas Special: 'A Christmas Carol,' 'The Time Of The Doctor,' Or 'The End Of Time'?

Today, "Doctor Who" season 8 begins filming, and Whovians are eagerly anticipating any photos that may service.

As fans know, now that Matt Smith has said his goodbyes and Peter Capaldi has taken over the role of the Doctor, filming to season 8 is slated to begin today with Jenna Coleman.

According to Doctor Who TV, the "Doctor Who" season 8 premiere will be written by Steven Moffat and directed by Ben Wheatley.

“This time I’ve made sure we’ve got a bunch of characters around him so that we can have a new Doctor introduced and we can push that Doctor a bit further if you’ve got a familiar world around him," said Moffat.

 “I think the fun story will be – and we have the opportunity here – is this is what regeneration can do to you. He can be very, very different. Now it’s time for the old beast to snarl at you for a bit!”

Currently, Twitter is going mad with Whovians wanting set photos of season 8 to tide them over until the alleged August/September premiere date.

Meanwhile, Whovians have cast their votes on their favorite "Doctor Who" Christmas Special, and surprisingly, "The Time of the Doctor" is not number one!

Although over 20% voted for the 2013 Christmas Special, the 2010 "Doctor Who" Special titled "A Christmas Carol" in fact won the majority. "The End of Time" came in third, while "The Snowmen" came in fourth.

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