Tim Tebow & Fellow Heisman Winning SEC Quarterback Johnny Manziel Hangs Out While Metta World Peace Expressed His Disappointment

Tim Tebow and fellow Heisman winning SEC quarterback Johnny Manziel was previously spotted hanging out on the sidelines of Florida State and Auburn Championship game.

Tebow was covering for one of his first official assignments as ESPN college football analyst while Manziel was just being Johnny going wherever he wants to go to.

ESPN's Keri Potts did not let this moment get away by sharing a photo of the two in the field with a caption:

"Also, my foray in to still life images. I call this 'Two Guys on a Field in Suits.'" ESPN executive Keri Potts Tweeted.

Meanwhile, New York Knicks forward Metta World Peace, who's known for his fascinating personality has once again expressed his opinion on Twitter - this time it's about his disappointment over Tebow's dying NFL career.

The 34-year old New York Knicks veteran took to Twitter on Monday, January 6 his support for Tebow saying that:

"Tebow will win a Championship in the NFL. Guaranteed!!"

He also expressed his disappointment over Tebow's  short time on the field with the New York Jets:

"im actually upset that i have a tebow jersey and never had a chance to brag(Jets)"

The Tim Tebow saga has been laid to rest for quite some time now, however as we welcome the new year it looks like Tebow supporters have gained a new hope for seeing their beloved quarterback back in action again.

The 26-year old supporters aren't the only ones who's hoping for another shot in the field, Tim Tebow himself hasn't given up hopes yet as he has been seriously training for five times a week to get in shape.

"I feel like I'm the best that I've ever been as a quarterback right now, and I hope I get the opportunity to show that," Tebow told NFL.com's Mike Huguenin on December 31.

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