Top Chef Elimination Tonight Was Unfair [VIDEO] Should Nick Have Resigned From Bravo Cooking Show?

TheTop Chef elimination tonight was unfair and heartbreaking, losing frontrunner Stephanie whom had a winning dish. The elimination can usually involve a chef that won the challenge the week before, but this weeks challenge was royally unfair.

Nick won the Top Chef quick fire challenge, but just a hair in front of Shirley. It included preparing dishes that showcased their ability to cook French food meticulously. It was all about technique, not creativity.

Though Nick won immunity from winning the quick-fire, the dish he prepared during the elimination challenge was the worse dish of the day. If it wasn't for his awful dish, his team would have clearly won. So unfair!

Nick was on the losing team with Stephanie and Shirley, sending home one of the other teammates who performed miraculously.

 Their team was French cooking, which Louis and Shirley are adept at, so Stephanie was picked to go home as soon as it was announced that thy were the losing team.

But Nick had the worst dish. And Stephanie had a great dish. So is this fair?

The judges asked Nick if he would resign. Although it seems like the noble thing to do, Nick would not give away his immunity.

Should Nick have walked away? Or is this just all part of the game?

It's unnerving when a good chef goes home because they are on the 'losing team.' I hate that about competition reality shows. The whole team aspect can ruin the chances for a worthy competitor while a bad chef on a winning team can just coast along.

This happens often on Top Chef. It would be nice for the winner to actually be a good chef instead of choosing the wrong knife during team picking.

This happens over and over on Top chef but also other reality competitions, when a strong competitor gets dragged down by their teammates.

Would even the strongest chefs out there have succeeded on Top Chef if they were placed with weak cooks?

This happens often on Project Runway. People that always win challenges get eliminated while others that coast along in the middle stay on the show. Frequently a contestant on Project Runway will win without having ever won a single challenge.

So should Nick have resigned? I think he should have. And here are my reasons.

If he walked away from this doing the honorable thing he would be well respected for his craft and morals.

And most likely he won't win, so he walks away a double loser.

In the slight case that he does win, he will always be known as the winner that won unfairly.

Do you think Nick should have resigned?

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