‘X-Men Days Of Future Past’ Cast - Fans Cry Gender Bias Over Rogue Cut, Predominant Male Casting And Absence of Strong Females

The gargantuan production "X-Men: Days of Future Past" is a wrap. Apparently, not. They had actually added a new character to the film after they edited out the scenes of one of the more important characters. It is also interesting to note, the character is female.

Rogue is played by Anna Paquin, a former Academy Award Winner and star of the HBO series, "True Blood." In the comic books, Rogue is an important and colorful character with very interesting powers that made her one of the most powerful and most troubled mutants.

She is also one of the most popular characters. From the Marvel Wiki Page, Rogue received the following rankings on online polls: "#5 on IGN's Top Twenty-Five X-Men list, and #4 on their Top Ten X-Babes list and #3 on Marvel's list of Top 10 Toughest Females for 2009 and was given title of #1 X-Man on CBR's Top 50 X-Men of All Time for 2008."

When it was announced that they would edit out the only scene with Rogue in the movie theater version, many of her ardent fans were disappointed. Thus, when the Toad addition was announced, they could not help but vent on Twitter.

The main gripe is that the choice of cutting out Rogue was spurred by having too many characters and a lengthy running time. The addition of a new character negates that. Now, fans have started to suspect a hint of gender bias, not just with casting, but also with character development.

Aside from the recent Rogue cut, fans also point out that major female characters like Jean Grey and Emma Frost have been written off, while the female characters who do stay (Shadowcat, Storm) had their roles downgraded. A clear example is Shadowcat, who was the time traveler in the Days of Future Past story arc. The time travel role went to, who else, Wolverine.

With the addition of another male character, the male-female character discrepancy has widened. Also, promotional photos for the film have repeatedly featured the male heroes as well, with Halle Berry's Storm and Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique the only exceptions.

Here are some strong Twitter reactions:

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