Girls’ Generation (SNSD), “Nothing Confirmed for Subunit, High Possibility for May Comeback”

The recent rumor of Girls’ Generation forming a subunit with Taeyeon, Tiffany and Jessica has been catching the attention of many.

However SM Entertainment revealed during a phone call with StarEn, “Nothing has been finalized regarding the Girls’ Generation’s subunits, although there is a high possibility for the girls to make a comeback in May.”

Additionally SM regarding the rumors didn’t provide a clear answer stating, “There is nothing yet confirmed at this point. We’re looking into the situation therefore it’s difficult to give a clear answer.”

The rumor that began from a message board managed by the music publishing company also spoke with StarEn stated, “It is true that our songwriters have provided the song to Girls’ Generation however there is no decision regarding their subunits. The posting on the website is completely taken out of context.”

Girls Generation
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