Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Storyline Finished? Developer Tetsuya Nomura Reveals New Information

Tetsuya Nomura has revealed new information about the highly-anticipated Kingdom Hearts 3 video game - the developer is hard at work on the game's storyline, which will be in concert with Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD remix, the Epoch Times reports.

He added that the reaction to the latest footage of the game was good, the website also reports.

"It seems like everyone was happy, so I'm glad about that," Nomura said.

"However, while we know how far we've come from a development point of view, what we showed still has 'ways to go."

Earlier this week he evealed during a interview that Sony's "gone too far" with the Playstation 4,'s hardware capabilities, leaving many gamers wondering if it is delaying the game's release.

"Looking at PS4, I thought 'they've gone too far.' I wish they would just let us off the hook. For the player, having a game that's 'thoroughly made' makes them excited with anticipation, but for a developer, it's a hurdle we have to overcome," Nomura said, according to

"The number of things we have to do keeps increasing and if we keep trying to expand as far as it will go, we'll never be finished. I think we're going to end up being faced with the choice of what to keep and what to give up on [for Kingdom Hearts III]."

Kingdom Hearts 3 voice actor Haley Joel Osment revealed that he doesn't expect to work on voiceovers for the game until much later in the year while confirming a 2015 release.

"My part is one of the last steps in the process," he said during a Reddit question and answer segment.

"I won't be involved until later in the year at the earliest."

Kingdom Hearts 3 fans also recently vocalized their preference for a fight between Sora and Vanitas as part of the game.

Subsequently, Tetsuya Nomura revealed during a recent interview that keyblade weapons being used as vehicles will be just one of the many capabilities in the game.

"According to suggestions from the planning side, it'll likely be used as some sort of gimmick. The Keyblade has infinite [possibilities]," he mentioned during the interview.

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