Taetiseo’s Teaser Breakthrough 1 Million Views

Girls’ Generation unit Taetiseo is already rocking search portal, and entertainment boards all over the web.

Taetiseo released teaser of new song ‘Twinkle’ on April 25 through Girls’ Generation official homepage and YouTube.

The teaser is only 17 second long video and despite the short video Taeyeon shows off her sexiness and fresh image by spraying perfume wearing leopard print short pants.

Continuing on Tiffany’s teaser was released on April 26. Tiffany also wearing a black skirt showed off her sexiness along with cuteness sporting a wave hairstyle.

Taetiseo’s teaser video released on April 25 recorded 1 million views within a day of its release displaying Girls’ Generation’s popularity.

Girls’ Generation unit Taetiseo’s mini-album ‘Twinkle’ will be released online worldwide through iTunes and other music sites on April 29.

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