Android Apps Free Download: Widely Popular 'Flappy Bird' Game Will Cease To Exist Tomorrow, To Be Taken Down By Own Developer

A lot of people today aspire to do great things and make it big in their chosen fields someday. Well, it seems the developer of popular game Flappy Bird is not one of them.

Dong Nguyen, developer of one of the top Android apps free for download today, has recently tweeted that he will be taking down the bird..permanently.

Several reports from Android Community and other tech sites say that Nguyen has been having troubles keeping his 'simple life. "The PR will make me not an indie game maker anymore", he said. 

Well, it doesn't make sense. 

After calling it a 'success of mine', and reportedly earning $50k a day, Nguyen decided that he still wants to have a simple life. However, this might also turn out as a wasted golden opportunity, which makes it useless. 

Still, we can see this move by Nguyen as a marketing ploy in order to get more people to download and play it, though that would not be good on his part in the long run, especially if he doesn't take it down just as he said. 

We should also take into consideration that DotGears has already released a number of games in the past, not one even coming close to the popularity Flappy Bird is enjoying now. However, given the huge success he has enjoyed, he would probably find out a way to continue as an indie game developer and try his best to make a popular game, uh wait. 

He already just did that, but he decides to move on. 

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