Tom Hiddleston Shirtless Pics For ‘Thor’ Audition Tape Revealed! Is He Disappointed For Not Getting The Role Of Thor?

He might be a fan favorite for playing the stealthy villain Loki in 'Thor' and 'Avengers' but in reality, Tom Hiddleston actually auditioned to nab Chris Hemsworth's role. Recent Tom Hiddleston shirtless pics have circulated which showed the actor trying out for the God of Thunder's role.

Tom Hiddleston's shirtless pics while wielding a hammer will be included as a bonus in the 'Thor: The Dark World' DVD release on February 25. Despite Tom Hiddleston's shirtless pics, why wasn't he picked for the role?

 "[He] did a tremendous job, but he wasn't Thor. From the moment he came in and read, though, he was Loki," says executive producer Craig Kyle.

The casting director likewise required Hiddleston to work out for 6 weeks prior the audition: "I've inherited my father's lean Glaswegian genes, but I managed to put on three and a half stone in lean muscle. I ate nothing but chicken and just lifted and lifted weights till I could barely walk. Initially it was hard and then it got quite addictive. I outgrew my clothes and started to stand differently."

Hiddleston was among the five men who made it to the final part of the audition process. Apart from him,  Liam Hemsworth, Charlie Hunnam, Alexander Skarsgard, and an unnamed Swedish actor were selected for the final deliberation.

As per Hiddleton, his intelligence radiates on-screen which made him more fit for Loki's role:  "What I have for free is that I can't turn off my intelligence. Therefore Loki would be much more up my street."

Does he feel any disappointment that the role went to Chris Hemsworth who did not even audition?

"I guess a fraction. But when I see what Chris has delivered, I know I could never have done that," he said with a smile.

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Tom Hiddleston
Chris Hemsworth
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