George Zimmerman’s Boxing Match Vs DMX Cancelled! Promoter Walks Away From $2 Million Profit?

George Zimmerman's supposed celebrity boxing match with rapper DMX was cancelled over the public outrage on the event. Damon Feldman, the boxing promoter, gave in to the pressure despite losing what could have been millions in profits.

Damon Feldman posted a series of tweets from his account @hollywwodbox11 explaining his decision to scrap the fight.

"This was the wrong person to put in the ring and define celebrity boxing thank you," he wrote.

"I walked away from av [sic] million dollar payday with this fight but to be honest I'd rather be happy and make people happy thank you," he added.

He told RadarOnline that it's his main decision to cancel the fight. "After I saw my son and daughter today I really thought about what happened. I had a change of heart," particularly with what he claimed were the "death threats" he received.

"I could have made 2 million dollars here," he told the news site.

But the spokesman of DMX, Domenick Nati, said in a statement sent to LA Times, that the rapper "never agreed to the fight."

The email added: "The boxing match between George Zimmerman and DMX is not officially confirmed."

Before the fight was cancelled, Damon Feldman told TMZ that DMX was chosen to fight George Zimmerman in the celebrity boxing match from 15,000 interested individuals.

Earlier, DMX in an interview with TMZ said that he's hoping the promoter will choose him over the others so he can get into the ring with acquitted killer George Zimmerman, claiming that if that happens he will break all rules of boxing "to make sure I f--k him right up."

George Zimmerman told RadarOnline that the boxing match was his idea because the sport has always been his passion. Although he said that his preferred opponent would be Kanye West, he's willing to fight anybody.

"Prior to the incident I was actually going to the gym for weight loss and doing boxing-type training for weight loss and a mutual friend put me in contact with Damon and provided me with an opportunity and motivation to get back in shape and continue with my weight loss goals and also be able to help a charity out," George Zimmerman told RadarOnline.

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