Shia LaBeouf Shows Up at ‘Nymphomaniac’ Berlin Premiere Wearing A Paper Bag … On His Head; Latest Controversy for Dutch Bad Boy’s Films

Shia LaBeouf seems to be having a lot of fun courting controversy for the premiere of his new movie. In the latest turn, Shia LaBeouf wore a paper bag on his head when he walked down the red carpet at the premiere his new movie. The scandalous film  by Lars Von Trier, "Nymphomaniac: Part 1,″ at the Berlin Film Festival Sunday night.

Maybe Shia LaBeouf wore the bag on his head to promote safe sex at the to Berlin Premiere?

Besides the topping, Shia cleaned up quite nicely, wearing a black tuxedo and bow tie. Under the bag, that is. The bag itself had the words "I am not famous anymore" written across it. Shia LaBeouf, the 27-year-old star of "Transformers" and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," has relaying that message on his Twitter account since Jan. 13.

Just earlier that day, LaBeouf had stormed out of a press conference after responding to a single question about performing sex scenes in the explicit film. "Nymphomaniac" director Lars Von Trier showed up in  Berlin wearing a T-Shirt with "Persona Non Grata" written across a  Cannes logo. Shia LeBeouf answered one question at a press conference and walked out. Any press is good press and "Nymphomaniac" is a cinematic slut for attention.

On Sunday, Lars Von Trier arrived at a Berlin Film Festival today for the world premiere of the director's cut of Nymphomaniac, Vol. 1. At a photocall for the fest, Von Trier was caught wearing a T-Shirt with the Cannes logo on it with the words "Persona Non Grata" stamped on his chest. Shia LaBeouf stormed out of a press conference for Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac" after answering one question.

Before exiting, LaBeouf said simply "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much." Lars von Trier has vowed not to make any public statements. He did not attend the press conference.

Nymphomaniac has attracted more than its share of controversy. It got flack for a provocative poster campaign that showed Uma Thurman, Christian Slater and Shia LaBeouf at the climax of orgasm. Then it came out that LaBeouf's audition tape was a home shot  sex tape of him and his girlfriend. Von Trier thought about releasing both hardcore and softcore versions of the movie. A trailer for the explicit film was shown to Florida schoolchildren before a screening of the Disney cartoon Frozen last December.

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