Windows Phone 8.1 Release Date: New Leaked Build Allegedly Reveals New Multi-Tasking Features, Battery Tracking, SD Card Installation, And More

As the Windows Phone 8.1 release date approaches, we see more details about the alleged changes Microsoft made to improve the overall user experience of its mobile platform.  

In a new report by BGR, a leaked SDK for the Windows Phone 8.1 was posted by a Reddit user, showcasing a number of neat features for the new update. 

In the leaked build, version 8.1 will allegedly support JavaScript for applications, further confirming previous rumors that Microsoft wants to merge the Windows and Windows Phone platforms. 

In addition, the update will enable the use of alternative messaging apps as the default app, new battery tracking options, installation of SD cards, and a new YouTube player. 

Windows Phone 8.1 will also provide a better multi-tasking feature for apps. While hitting the back button would kill an app in previous versions, this update would just suspend the app in the background. This will help the device load the same application faster in case the user decides to change applications. 

While the rumored Cortana voice assistant was not found in the leaked build, we expect Microsoft to go all out for Windows Phone, especially that its biggest OEM Nokia will soon be joining the company's mobile division. 

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