Sims 4 Release Date, News And Updates: Class Sessions About The Upcoming Lifestyle Simulation Game To Be Held During Game Developer ‘s Conference In March 17 To 21

The Sims 4 will be present during the Game Developer's Conference next month.

Ahead of the Sims 4 release date, the forthcoming EA's lifestyle simulation game is expected to be included in the Game Developer's Conference which is scheduled from March 17 to 21. In the form of classes, attendees of the event will learn more about the development of The Sims 4.

As posted on SimsVIP, below are the three GDC confirmed classes about The Sims 4 are Concurrent Interactions in The Sims 4, AI Postmortems: The Sims 4 and Hearthstone and Multi-Actor Behavior Sequencing in The Sims 4.

Multi-Actor Behavior Sequencing in The Sims 4, the latest class to be added for the GDC will provide a "working general knowledge sufficient to recreate a basic version of our solution to the problem of high-fidelity, multi-actor behavior in a game with a decoupled simulation, as well as specific solutions to common problems related to character animation in such an environment," according to the description on the official website for Game Developer's Conference.

Furthermore, the intended audience for this Sims 4 class is software engineers interested "in delivering high-quality, multi-actor character animation and other visual behaviors in an online or otherwise parallel game architecture. Prior experience with online (client and server) and simulation-style game development is helpful, but not required."

As for The Sims 4 release date, the only official confirmation made by EA and Maxis is that the newest version of the lifestyle simulation game will be available at some point this fall 2014. A more specific The Sims 4 release date has yet to be revealed by the game developer soon.

Morever, according to @SimGuruGraham, the Sims 4 system requirements will be announced nearer to its launch date. The Twitter post is shown below:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><a href="">@TheLucaStClair</a> Not until we're closer to launch when performance optimization is finalized.- Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) <a href="">February 6, 2014</a></blockquote>

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It was followed by another tweet:

 <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><a href="">@worryfaraway</a> We haven't announced system specs yet and won't for awhile yet. We're working to ensure it runs well across a range of specs.  - Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) <a href="">February 8, 2014</a></blockquote>

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