‘Her’ Movie Director Spike Jonze On Presenting Humans Falling 'In Love' With Technology; Will He Really Make ‘The Expendables 4’ With A Dozen Nicolas Cages?

Spike Jonze has established himself as the director to watch. He now has an Academy Award nomination for his film 'Her' which he is proud of even though he missed a nod for Best Director. He jests about his 'pet project.'

"Her" is probably the movie that personifies the 'geek' stereotype yet also deconstructs it. The idea of a man falling in love with his operating system sounds very weird, if not creepy. Jonze does not back out of a challenge.

In his interview with Den of Geek, he shares how he even wanted to tackle the offbeat premise:

"I didn't even think that people hate new operating systems. That's a great interpretation. 

It was definitely the challenge of the movie, to believe that love story. I think I realised that the script is almost deceptively easy to read because everybody is on the same level playing field. Like reading a book, you imagine all the characters. Now in a movie you're suddenly forced to imagine one character when the other ones are so vividly portrayed, in flesh and skin. You get to see their expressions shift and their eyes shift, their anxiety build or release. You see everything happen.

But to me that's exciting. In our movies we create impossible challenges. Not impossible, because that's ridiculous [Laughs]. We (set challenges that most people dare not approach)try to. I think that's what makes it exciting and makes it dangerous. I think I realised that I need to have a real risk of failure and danger to get my adrenaline up. It's like jumping off a hotel roof into a swimming pool. Which you have to have, because if you jump off the building without adrenaline and are a little bit more casual about it, you not might clear all the cement that you need to clear. Usually there's 15 feet of cement between the wall of the building and the swimming pool and you need to really push off, and you need that adrenaline to get that extra boost. "

On the fact that previous presentations of people developing affection for technology is often fearfully approached-was his bold take somewhat of a subversion?

"No, not in that way, although I like what you're saying. I think my nature is, at least I try, to not judge, and in this movie I try to not judge the characters. I like people that define their own values. I am much more interested in somebody who has their own definition of what they value, their own definition of what success is, their own definition of what love is. That's much more interesting and much more meaningful. Somebody that has to fight against social norms and somebody who like... did you see Lana Wachowski speech? I forget what it is, about civil rights; it's some society that is honouring her. Did you see that?"

On a lighter note, Den of Geek asks about a project that Jonze would like to make. Interviewer Matt Edwards pitched the idea of Expendables 4, only instead of an ensemble cast, it would all be Nicolas Cage:

"The Expendables 4 with all Nic Cages. I would die to do that movie. Imagine how good he would be. 'Cause in those action movies you have the hero guy that needs to get back in the saddle again, you have the guy that is getting reluctantly pulled back in, the nerdier guy who's good at technology and the bomb guy who's socially awkward, so he'd play all the different guys in the action movie. And he'd play the bad guy, obviously."

Her Movie
Director Spike Jonze
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