Sony Sirius Appears In Photo Shoot With Older Siblings, Comes In Black And White But Still Has Huge Upper Bezels

Sony Sirius has been leaking all over the place, and the only thing missing is its official announcement from Sony. Now, we see additional details of the device as it is compared alongside its older Xperia brothers. 

From this image, we can see how the Sony Sirius or D6503 (left most) sizes up against the Xperia Z and Z1, which both launched last year. 

Also known as the Xperia Z2, Sirius is noticeably bigger when you look at the three closely, though not by much. Besides, that may just be the addition .2 inches, an increase from the Xperia Z1's 5-inch display. 

Another image showcased two Sony Sirius handsets donned in black and white, two color options which is hardly a surprise for both Sony and Android fans. 

Sony has done a really great job in the design aspect of the phone, which hardly changed over the past year. Unfortunately, the bezels on the upper and lower part of the device are still pretty large.

The LG G2 in comparison, also has a 5.2-inch screen, but managed to squeeze the display in such a small frame that it's like the entire front part is made up of glass. 

With MWC only a couple of weeks away, this could be the final product and design for the Sony Sirius. 

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