MWC 2014 Barcelona: Mobile Industry Tech Show Features Samsung, Nokia, HTC, LG & Sony Announcements; Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Is Keynote Speaker

MWC 2014 Barcelona: Mobile industry’s biggest tech show is happening in less than 10 days and its expected that the biggest player in the business will be having major announcements a day or two prior to the February 24 opening. A notable slot in the schedule has been allotted to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg who will be the keynote speaker for the Mobile World Congress 2014’s opening event.

According to the International Business Times, Samsung’s potential announcements are one of the reasons why you should tune-in to the MWC 2014. The South Korean tech giant has already sent out invitations for the fifth installment of its Unpacked events, where Samsung is expected to launch the Samsung Galaxy S5. Aside from the Samsung Galaxy S5, the company may also launch the second version of the Samsung Galaxy Gear and a range of other smartphones and tablets.

Samsung’s Unpacked event will begin at 8 pm local time on February 24.

Nokia will also be holding it owns conference on February 24. The Finnish tech giant, the mobile division of which is owned by Microsoft, is expected to announce the Nokia Lumia 1820. The upcoming device is a flagship “phablet” with a 5.2-inch display. It is expected to be unveiled with the Nokia Lumia 1525, which will have an enormous 6-inch screen.

Nokia may also unveil the highly-rumored Nokia Normandy, which will be Android powered. The unit has been leaked as a bizarre mix of Windows Phone icons and Android operating system with a budget price.

The International Business Times noted that the Nokia press event starts at 8:30 PM local time on the said date.

Other companies expected to either have a launch or an important announcement include HTC, LG, and Sony.

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