Orphan Black Season 2 Spoiler: Maria Doyle Kennedy Speaks About Her Character ‘Mrs. S’: Is She On The Good Side Or The Bad Side?

Mrs. S, who is played by Maria Doyle Kennedy, is one of those characters in Orphan Black that left a lot of questions to the fans in the season one's last episode. In the finale, Sarah's foster mother was shown in a photo wearing a lab gown. Prior to that episode, Kennedy's character has been presented as a plain, kind-hearted woman who adopted lead character/clone Sarah Manning (played by Tatiana Maslany) and Felix Dawkins (played by Jordan Gavaris) from a foster home. But when the show ended, it seems that her character is gearing up for something bigger, some big kind of conspiracy.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Radio (SiriusXM, channel 105), Kennedy talked about the second season of the hit BBC America show. Orphan Black season 2 will be back on April 19 and will bring in more characters like Patrick J. Adams, Michelle Forbes, Cal Morrison, Ali Mirren, and more. However, with all the new characters coming in, it is Mrs. S that keeps fans abuzz.

"You're going to see more of her," says Kennedy when asked if people can expect more scene involving Mrs. S.

"I had a great time in season 1 and there were some great scenes, but there was also a lot of hovering. They just really liked me so wrote me more this time, so that's great."

According to the award-winning actress who is also famous for her role in the Tudors, Mrs. S will be highly involved in other clones, too, especially Rachel Duncan who is deemed to be on the bad side of story. Her main mission, is protecting Sarah and her daughter, Kira.

"In the war between Rachel and Sarah and the whole idea about the clones trying to find out about themselves, she keeps going through that and beyond it and goes, 'Where does Kira land in all this? What's happening with her? How safe is she? Are they close to her? Can they get her?'"


When asked if her character is on good side or bad side, she said:

"She is an incredibly pragmatic woman with a strong moral compass. That's how I feel about her. She has definitely done bad things in the past. She came through an era of protest and squatting, so she's not afraid to be anarchic or against the law, but she always has a strong proper reason for doing what she does."

orphan black season 2
Orphan Black
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Jordan Gavaris
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