‘Batman Vs Superman’ Cast Rumors: Joker In The Movie? Who Can Give Justice To The Iconic Role? Two Best Actor Nominees Come Up!

'Batman Vs Superman' is essentially a "Man of Steel" sequel. However, it will also be Warner's gateway to the Justice League movie. Will we see a villain team as well, like the Joker and Lex Luthor?

The Joker is the most iconic villain that Batman has faced. It is also one of the most coveted roles. Jack Nicholson played a classic interpretation of Joker, and Heath Ledger made it an icon.

Can Warner resist the temptation to have Joker in the film, even as an introduction, and have them face-off when the Ben Affleck 'Batman' gets his solo movie?

It is safe to speculate, but it should be accompanied by the proverbial "grain of salt." After all, Warner has been more successful in keeping their secrets compared to Fox or Marvel. The Jesse Eisenberg casting was not predicted and Batman had a lot of candidates-they never narrowed it down to Ben Affleck at any point.

Movieweb warns: "Despite how mum the studio might be right now over what is happening regarding this project, there are no doubt things happening behind the scenes. Agents are calling studios, production people are examining costs, and there are definitely actors who have no idea they are being talked about for potential roles that could change their careers."

In their insinuation that Warner is probably writing Joker into the script, they also suggested a few names: Aaron Paul of "Breaking Bad" and Leonardo diCaprio!

Leo is a long shot, but they argue:  "..there was a huge ray of hope in his performance as Calvin Candie in Quentin Tarantino's audacious Django Unchained. In this role, he showed that he could be just as bad as any character that exists in the world of superheroes. However, this was aTarantino film so by proxy, in a lot of ways, it already has the trappings of a superhero flick."

What Culture also ventured into this game. Considering that they cast an older Batman in Ben Affleck, Joker should be of similar age. They suggested Johnny Depp (another long shot, unless Tim Burton snagged the Batman helming rights again) and another Best Actor nominee this year, Matthew McConaughey!

Their argument: is that he can play "weirded out" characters  ("True Detective") and his "Dallas Buyers Club" performance had him benevolently deranged. However, he seems to be peaking now in terms of his performances and his popularity. His presence could drag the movie into the billion dollar mark.

Joker or no Joker, "Batman Vs Superman" or the new title they will give it will be released on May 6, 2016.

batman vs superman cast rumors
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