‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past' Plot Spoilers: Nicholas Hoult 'Beast' Copies 'The Hulk?' Don't Say That! You Wouldn't Like Him When He's Angry!

Images from "X-Men: Days of Future Past" are leaking out but they are raising more questions instead of giving answers! One of the 'innovations' that could not go unnoticed was Nicholas Hoult not being furry nor blue!

That was unprecedented, at least in the movie versions. It is a wonder on what could have precipitated the change. Of course, this begs an explanation.

JoBlo recently had a set visit and had a chat with Nicholas Hoult, and they discuss this burning question, along with other make-up/costume issues:

"It's become slightly smaller makeup, there's a bit more of my face underneath it. So yeah, it's a different design and slightly cooler than the last one as well in terms of heat.  What's happened up to this point is between the time of the last movie and this movie my character has created a serum which basically controls his mutation so his appearance is normal as long as he doesn't get worked up.  Any animal instinct or urges, that kind of brings him out.  So yeah, he changes into Beast a few times throughout the story and they've done some great action sequences with him this time, particularly in the mansion flying around on these chandeliers and stuff."

The genius scientist who turns into a super-strong, monster-like humanoid when his "animal instincts" are triggered-sounds familiar?

The Beast (Hank McCoy) in the comic books was never interpreted in such a way. Even in the previous movies. However, unlike the Hulk, it seems like the Beast retains his consciousness as Hank McCoy even when he turns blue and gets furry. It can be argued that the current Hulk has attained some point of control as well (Remember the 'I'm always angry scene').

How come Hank McCoy has better control than the Hulk? Perhaps it's because of his on-screen/off-screen romance with Mystique/Jennifer Lawrence. This was also discussed with JoBlo:

"Can I talk about Beast and Mystique? I don't want to give too much away about the story, but obviously from the last film as well there's a set up where Mystique, Raven-Charles has a very close relationship with her and then at the end of the last film she obviously heads out with Erik, Magneto, and kind of believes more in his method of what mutants should be in the world.  So there's those two relationships and Hank's relationship with her, which is maybe the most pure and simple, but there's also the thing whereby he's not happy and comfortable in his blue form where she's becoming more at peace with hers and understanding. She's kind of maturing a lot quicker than him."

That's the price of being a genius: emotional maturity.

We'll see how the romance develops in "X-Men: Days of Future Past" showing on May 23, 2014.

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