Hear The Godzilla Roar As 2014 Design Invades Empire Magazine Before Release Date: Does It Look Different From The Action Figure?

As the 2014 "Godzilla" movie looms closer, fans can not only hear the iconic roar in all its glory, but examine the new design in the latest Empire Magazine cover.

After hearing the roar in the popular "Godzilla" 2014 trailer, the sound file for the iconic sound has been uploaded on Sound Cloud…and it is terrifying.

"This sounds monstrously glorious," writes Rene Rosa.

What do you think of this new Godzilla" roar?

Meanwhile, fans of the 2014 "Godzilla" reboot can finally see the complete design look in the latest Empire Magazine cover.

Sort of.

The Empire Magazine cover has a black-and-white picture of Godzilla surrounded by helicopters. It is highly stylized and wickedly cool.

But does it look different to you?

Recently, the official Twitter page for the "Godzilla" viral marketing team codenamed M.U.T.O. released a photo which combines a 2014 movie poster with the upcoming action figure of the monster.

However, the Godzilla design based on the action figure looks slightly different from this Empire Magazine cover, as the cover appears slightly thinner and its jaw more elongated.

What do you think of the two designs? Are they the same, are they different, or are fans being misled with multiple designs?

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