'Iron Man 4' Plot Spoilers: Tony Stark Is Adopted! Will His Brother Take On The Suit? Comic Story Arc Allows Marvel To Replace Robert Downey, Jr.

The latest storyline in the Iron Man comics has Tony Stark being 'reinvented.' Shocking revelations about his true persona can leak over to the movies-including a gateway for his departure.

Sorry, Kevin Feige, but the idea of having Tony Stark a la James Bond played by multiple actors will never hack it with the fanboys. RDJ is Tony Stark, and Tony Stark is Iron Man. But the question is, will Tony Stark be the only Iron Man?

 In Iron Man#17, there are new revelations about Tony Stark's personality. From MTV: "Tony Stark is adopted. The plotline, which revealed that there's a second, natural born Stark brother named Arno, will play out extensively in the monthly comic books."

MTV also has a presumption on how this development would be used to solve Marvel Studio's biggest quandary of how to replace Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark if they cannot sign him anymore. MTV elaborates:

"Imagine this: a few years down the road, say after 'Avengers 3' hits in 2017, Arno has been around in the comics, teaming up with Tony for four years. In comic book terms, that's nearly 50 issues, not counting appearances in books other than 'Iron Man.' He's had his armor upgraded, he's become a member of the Avengers, and comic book fans have gotten used to the idea that there's more than one Iron Man around.

After the Avengers threequel hits, we get the announcement of an 'Iron Man 4,' with Downey Jr. appearing... But passing the torch, to his brother Arno. The plot of the movie has Downey Jr. dying, but having his legacy continued by Arno."

Does MTV have it all figured out? They present very sound arguments and the timing of the revelation is all too convenient. However, an interview with Kieran Gillen, the writer of the Iron Man comics, cautions against premature speculations. There's more to Arno Stark than meets the eye. From Newsarama.com's interview:

"Nrama: Arno Stark is a name some people remember as a cousin of Tony's from the future, dubbed Iron Man 2020. Is that Arno and this one, one and the same, or just a borrowing of a name?

Gillen: I suspect that's the story. The nature of time travel in the Marvel Universe is an interesting one. Is he the Arno of 2020? Or could he be? That's the sort of question I want people asking.

As soon as I knew I wanted Tony to have a brother, Arno was immediately there. And if he is the Iron Man of 2020, I figured one way or another, it was about time the Marvel Universe had an Arno. 2020 isn't that far away, after all."

If time travel comes into play, someone here is lying. What would be the motive? Will Tony Stark see through all the deception (if any?) The Big question-Is "Iron Man 4" releasing in 2020?

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