Toy Story 4: Andy's Mom Is Emily, Jessie's Owner? Pixar Theory Writer Has Another Shocker! Will This Be The Plot For Another Sequel?

The writer of the Pixar Theory has another bombshell to blow your mind. This is not as groundbreaking, but fans of "Toy Story" heave a collective "Hmmm."

According to the Jon Negroni, based on close observation and some assumptions, Andy's mom is actually Emily-the owner of the Jessie the Cowgirl to whom the song "When She Loved Me" by Sarah McLachlan was dedicated to. The video of that sequence from "Toy Story 2" can be seen below.

The reason behind Jessie's sadness and possibly her claustrophobia was rooted in that story. How does it link to Andy?

From Jon

It all started with a hat.

Several months ago, one of my anonymous Pixar Theory Interns (that's a thing on a resume) came to me with a crazy proposition: Andy's mom is Emily, Jessie's previous owner.

"As you can see, Andy's hat is noticeably different from Woody's. Why is this? Why wouldn't Andy want to wear a hat that closely resembles the one worn by his favorite toy?

It's no secret that Andy has a close connection with Woody. In Toy Story 2, his mom (who we only know as Ms. Davis) mentions that Woody is an old family toy.

Remember that Woody doesn't even recall that he is a collector's item - a toy made in the 1950s. This is a deviation from other toys who know full well where they come from. It's possible that Woody doesn't know because he's been in Andy's family for a long time, possibly belonging to his father."

The further details and pictures of the hat in question can be found here.

To summarize, Negroni determines that the hat worn by Andy was actually Jessie's hat-or the hat that his mom used to wear because of her admiration towards Jessie. It was worn out, thus the white band is gone, except for a faded ring where the band used to be.

There are many questions to be answered, but this possibility could be a connection to another sequel-where the mom somehow discovers that Jessie is THE Jessie doll she once loved. Perhaps this is through some personal trademark that she made, like Andy writing his name at the feet of his toys.

That is pure wish and speculation though, and the theory has been accused of romanticizing little details or just trying to make an effort to make the story better. From Kotaku: "Obviously, none of this proves they're the same person-but hey, there are enough similar details to consider it for a moment, no? And if Emily and Andy's mom are the same person, it would make the story better, I think. Both characters had a strong connection to their toys growing up, both eventually forgot about their toys, but both passed on some part of that love to other kids. Sad, but lovely in a way."

Toy Story 4
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