'Frozen' Movie Review: Elsa And Anna Are Strong, Modern Role Models! Hit Movie Wins Over 'Disney Princess' Critic

Disney's "Frozen" has won over audiences of all ages. Even parents have agreed to return viewings, and they are breaking box office records worldwide. The film has also gained the approval of the staunchest critics.

While it has not been officially branded yet, "Frozen" and its lead characters, Elsa and Anna, will ultimately become the latest additions to the Disney Princess banner. The Disney Princesses as a collective lot has been criticized for being "inappropriate role models" for today's modern girls. From Lauren Martin of Elite Daily:  "If you really look at it, the Disney Princesses were all just a bunch of entitled socialites obsessed with marrying the first rich guy who popped the question." Martin continues: "They had no real motivation, no ambition, no sense of work ethic." The writer did cite Cinderella as the exception. She (yes, a woman wrote the comment) also compared the Princess characters to Paris Hilton.

One of Grantland.com's editors shared the same line of thinking, with a personal take:

Emily Yoshida writes: "I have a general aversion to animated films (yes, even most of your precious Pixar movies), and the Disney Princess empire gives me the creeps, especially when adults my age still wax nostalgic about it." She continues: "as a marketing scheme, and an overall state of mind, the well-documented problematic nature of Princess Mentality has always been something I've tried to keep my distance from.."

However, in her full column, she confesses that she was intrigued when she heard lines from the song "For the First Time In Forever" emanating from a three year-old's smartphone(it was not exactly HER smartphone)on constant repeat. A Google search of the lyrics got her to set a date to watch the movie despite her aforementioned resistance.

Her feedback towards the movie, specifically on Elsa and Anna, future members of the Disney Princess echelon:

"Against my expectations, I was utterly won over by Frozen."

She cites the focus on the relationship between Anna and Elsa, not about finding a man, as a welcome and refreshing development: "Frozen is about the relationship between two sisters. The central question is not whether Anna or Elsa will find men to marry (they're born princesses and live in a giant Norwegian castle nestled among the fjords, so lifestyle aspirations are a nonissue here), but whether they can save their own strained relationship. It's not just bucking tradition by featuring strong females, but by focusing on strong female relationships."

The good news about "Frozen" is that Disney has finally evolved with the times. While they will always be innovators in animation technology (especially with the Pixar people in tow), "Frozen" marks the point when the princesses have evolved into modern women. 

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