Marvel Phase 3 Movies: Comic Con Announcement Under Wraps; Marvel 'Doesn't Need A Movie Star!' Is This Goodbye For Robert Downey Jr?

Marvel Phase 3 is already the rage of the rumor mill, yet we're not even halfway through Phase 2! Marvel President Kevin Feige, as usual, reveals a little, but not too much.

Secrecy is an art that nowadays with the internet. Movie studios are losing the element of surprise, which is why the actors and executives involved in the movies have a virtual gag order.

However, movie bigwigs understand that the media machine plays a big part in the movie promotions. Every little tidbit of information leaves the audience asking for more.

Marvel President Kevin Feige has mastered the balance between revealing enough and spilling too much. We are often left to read between the lines.

In an interview with IGN, Feige advises us not to hold out breaths for Comic-Con announcements:

"IGN: Comic-Con this year -- are we actually going to get Phase 3 announcements?

Feige: You know, Comic-Con always comes together, and we do the best we can with what we've got at the time. So it remains to be seen what we'll have between now and two weeks before Comic-Con."

That was a very diplomatic answer. However, some of his other statements have ominous undertones.

"IGN: Are you guys looking for a star to play Doctor Strange?

Feige: You know, I would say that we're pretty transparent, right? Doctor Strange would be our -- well, depending on when we make it, it could be our 13th, 14th, 15th movie, right? I think if you're looking to track our decision-making and how we've done things, we have a pretty wide track record now where you can sort of see. So, no, a movie star is not required, but that doesn't mean a movie star wouldn't be great. It just depends."

When Feige says "a movie star is not required" he is, in a way, sending a message that Marvel is already established. With multiple billion dollar movies and a returning audience, they are no longer hostages to the whims of ANY movie star.

Marvel has been notorious for their contract negotiations. Right now, they may have reached a deadlock with their biggest star, Robert Downey, Jr. While he is still appearing in 2 more "Avengers" movies, the question of further "Iron Man" installments were left hanging.

In Feige's eyes, Marvel is now bigger than the draw of one particular star. This could mean that they will not give in to Downey's demands. Time will tell whether his decision is the right one.

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